Okay, so I know that girls can be a little catty and just flat out mean. I am not going to lie to you, I was one of those girls. Through out high school, you walked down the hall ways and you would hear who hooked up with who, or someone was apparently pregnant. As a high schooler, you wanna believe everything you hear because it's the only thing we thrived off of. We lived and breathed thrashing and bashing one another because it made us seem cool. Well, what I have just learned at 2:40 AM, is that it's not. It hurtful, abusive, and rude. It is not okay for you to call another girl a 'skank' or to be spreading rumors about someone else. Chances are, some of those kids are really going through a rough time. Now, I know this may sound crazy coming from an 18 year old, but it's pathetic. I have been bullied, and I have once been the bully. Being bullied is no fun, at all. All through out middle, and high school I was always called fake, fat, bitch, slut, and a liar. It hurts. Trust me, even as a senior in high school I would go home and I would cry because of it. Now, being the bully was a totally different story. If you think that being a bully will make you look good, well it doesn't. Chances are, you look like a total ass. No one wants to be friends with someone who bashes everyone. It's also a proven fact that if someone is bullying another kid, that they have some serious issues they need to work on themselves. Look, everyone has their own issues, but there is no reason to make those issues public especially is they are personal.
Now I know what you're thinking, you're probably thinking that all i'm going to do is write about how bad bullying is.. well, everyone should know how bad it is. No, I am going to get personal with all of you.....
It started in elementary school... I was always the chubbier kid in the class with blonde hair, and glasses. Kids didn't necessarily call me names, but they would still laugh. Society has painted this picture of the average woman being 5'8 and 100 LBS. Well, that's not the case... the average woman is 5'4 and 134 LBS. Take that Victoria Secret!
When middle school came along, I was still chunky until about 8th grade. I tried to hard to be popular in middle school, that's all I ever wanted. I would not eat, or I would even try to throw up my food. I pressured myself into thinking that was who I am. But it wasn't who I am at all. Now, the insults came flying in.... calling me fat. It hurt.. a lot. I would come home crying, and my mom would have to go into the school and talk to the principal. All I wanted, was to be skinny and to be popular... but instead I was chunky, and a loser.
High school.... oh boy. Freshman year I had slimmed out.. a lot. I was starting to learn to work my curves and make them look good. I had an ass, and a pretty hefty chest to match. What can I say, it's German engineering ;). I played sports my whole life. But I played volleyball through out high school, and it helped me manage my weight. But here's the catch, I was still being called fat at 5'2 124 LBS. I would get made fun of because I had a 'black girls ass'. Now, it defiantly drew attention to boys... girls on the other hand, didn't like me so much.
Seriously people, watch what you say. Especially on the Internet, because it will never be erased.